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on 3/29/04 9:55 AM, HandyDad at lsulky@hidden.email wrote: > --- In ceqli@yahoogroups.com, Rex May - Baloo <rmay@m...> > wrote: >> Ah, how shall we call military rank? I think Loglan did > something like: >> >> Officer-1, Officer-2, etc. >> >> Any ideas for a systematic approach? >> -- > > Perhaps. Admittedly, there is no way even to establish > equivalencies across the different military and quasi-military > services of the different nations of the world. What one service > would mean by "Officer-2" -- who is subordinate, billet > responsibilities, etc. -- would be utterly different from what > another service would mean. It so happens that a US Navy > lieutenant and a US Army captain are equivalent and are both > O-3, but the parallelism falls apart across and outside the > boundaries of the USA. > > HOWEVER --- it is in the nature of military services to have a > strict rank hierarchy, so Officer-1, Officer-2 could be used within > the context of any given military arm to mean something specific. It just occured to me that Russian for colonel is regiment-nik. Officers could be named for what they're supposed to boss. And now it hits me that that's how SS officers were named. > > One caveat: sometimes they create new ranks, or move them > around a little. For example, the rank of Commodore does not > usually exist in the US Navy. But in time of war, it sometimes > gets reinstated, and it sits between Captain and Rear Admiral. If > Captain is Officer-6 and Rear Admiral is Officer-7, where do we > put Commodore? > > (Actually, Captain wouldn't be Officer-6 because we need to > account for all the enlisted and petty/warrant ranks.... It would be > around Officer-14, I guess.) No, we could for US forces use the pay grade system E-1 thru 9 for enlisted men, O-1 thru whatever for officers. > > This would also mean that an Officer-9 in one service might truly > be equal to Officer-10 in another service; but that's for them to > work out. Yes. You know, Spanish coronel and German general fit ceqli phonology perfectly. > > > > > Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > -- Rex F. May (Baloo) Daily cartoon at: http://www.cnsnews.com/cartoon/baloo.asp Buy my book at: http://www.kiva.net/~jonabook/book-GesundheitDummy.htm