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Re: Truth tables

--- In ceqli@yahoogroups.com, Rex May - Baloo <rmay@m...> 
> I don't understand what the truth table means in crib 2 here
> http://www.loglan.org/Sanpa/crib-notes.html
> -- 

Connective Truth Values

sei F T F T
tei	 F F T T

1:	Sei, a tei	F	T	T	T

Take first pair of T/F values for "sei" and "tei", i.e. F, F. 
Then statement 1 means:
Given "sei" is F and "tei" is F, then "sei, a tei" is F.

Given "sei" is T and "tei" is F, then "sei, a tei" is T.
Given "sei" is F and "tei" is T, then "sei, a tei" is T.
Given "sei" is T and "tei" is T, then "sei, a tei" is T.

And do on.
