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I've been playing around with different loglangs and after looking through ceqli, I am interested in how it resolves ambiguity. I am specifically talking about figuring out what is the predicate and what are the arguments. One example is: Pe xau kom pan sa kane. Person sees the bread-eating dog. How does one know not to separate it as: [Pe] xau kom [pan sa kane] Person see-eats the bread-type-of-dog. or [Pe xau] kom [pan sa kane] Person-goer eats bread-type-of-dog. In both cases, the verb is confused as part of a compound. I'm also curious as to what you consider the advantage of putting adjectives and adverbs and suchlike _before_ whatever they are describing. I realize that run-on sentences are non-existent in chinese, due to the fact that descriptions can only run on for so long before you must reveal what you are describing. I can't decide whether or not this is a good thing, so I'll leave it for you all to help me with. oskar