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Re: [ceqli] Re: Vowel combos

on 2/9/04 9:58 AM, HandyDad at lsulky@hidden.email wrote:

> --- In ceqli@yahoogroups.com, "HandyDad" <lsulky@r...> wrote:
>>>> They'll end up being pronounced the same as "-iya", "-iye",
> "-
>> iyu",
>>>> and "-iyo".
>>> Exactly.  So, I figure, why not prohibit those and go with ia,
> etc.?
> I just realised that you may have been talking about what to do
> with these three alternative examples:
> "kya"
> "kiya"
> "kia"
> and presumably these as well:
> "kwa"
> "kuwa"
> "kua"
> If that's the case, then here's what I'd like to say:
> I like having the elided/labialised consonants, at least as a
> pronunciation option, and I think the "ky-" and "kw-" spellings
> make that most clear. It's going to be hard to maintain distinction
> between these and "ki-" and "ku-". So I suggest that we retain the
> form "Cy-" and "Cw-",  not permit adjoining vowels ever, and
> prohibit "Cuw-" and "Ciy-". (I think we're okay with "Cow-".)

Yes, and yes.  I'm not so sure about Cow.  Probably trying to contrast o and
ow wouldn't work too well.


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