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Re: definite & indefinite articles

--- In ceqli@yahoogroups.com, "Garrett Jones" <alkaline@a...> 
> > Welcome, Garrett! Thanks for the examples -- I'll let Rex 
> > the various meanings of 'the' and 'a'. But I did want to 
> > that the indefinite article is not implicit: it's "te". 
> > 
> > ---Larry 
> >    "Krawn"
> not according to these examples in the grammar:
> To xyen bi di.	The dog is an animal.
> To xyen bi to di.	 The dog is the animal.
> Go ga.  I am big.
> Go bi jin. 	I am a person.
Ah. I was going by the list of articles, not these examples. Rex is 
in the middle of baselining those pages so they may be out of 
date...or just a mistake...or something else.... 

Rex and I have been discussing articles extensively of late and 
Ceqli does rely on articles to help disambiguate, should the 
speaker care to do so. I'm sure Rex will weigh in shortly on this. 