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I'm back

Hello, everybody.  I've been pondering, and have made some decisions.  Now,
I'll try to give the background of my reasoning throughout...

Changes to the current phonology, based on suggestions from everybody:

B   as in  Boy    same
C  as in CHew     as in THree, wiTH
D   as in  DuD    same
F   as in  FluFF  same
G  as in  Good    same
H  as in  Hat     same
J  as in meaSure  as in You, buY
K  as in   KinK   same
P  as  in   PiP   same
S  as  in   So    same
T  as  in   ToT   same
V  as in Victory  same
X  as in   SHoe   as in THe, weaTHer
Z   as in    Zoo  same

A  as in  fAther     same
E  as in  bEt        same
I   as in  machIne   same
O  as in  bOAt       same
U  as in  bOOt       same

W as in coW, We      same
Y as in buY,You   as in bUg, AmericA

You'll note that C and J have been liberated to serve as the two Th sounds.
I wanted the following:

Use only the ascii 26 and no less.
Keep a symmetry /S, Z/ and /tS, dZ/ all represented.
Have a schwa

Now, we can't do this unless we represent the old C and J with digraphs,
UNLESS we agree that in Ceqli the /j/ sound palatizes the preceding

Thus.  c > tj  x > sj,  j > dj,  (the unrepresented /Z/) > zj.

So 'j' serves to palatize, and also serves as a semivowel in diphthongs, and
it is _not_ a digraph.

So, alas, it becomes Tjeqli.
> Rex F. May (Baloo)
> Daily cartoon at: http://www.cnsnews.com/cartoon/baloo.asp
> Buy my book at: http://www.kiva.net/~jonabook/gdummy.htm
> Language site at: http://www.geocities.com/ceqli/Uploadexp.htm
>Discuss my auxiliary language at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/txeqli/