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Re: [txeqli] Schwa

Yes indeed, it looks attractive and consistent to me.  I like it.
Of course, now we have "tjeqli," and I'd spell my names with DJ and SJ, and
that is fine.
I do like having the glottal stop represented.

John Schilke

----- Original Message -----
From: "Rex May - Baloo" <rmay@hidden.email>
To: <txeqli@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Saturday, August 03, 2002 4:54 PM
Subject: Re: [txeqli] Schwa

> Anybody else interested in this system?  It would be:
> A    fAther
> E    bEd
> I    machIne
> O    bOne
> U    fOOd
> C     lUck, AmericA
> Y    You, (AY as in flY, OY as in boy, etc.)
> W    We  (AW as in cOW)
> L    baLL, Love
> M    MiMe
> N    NoNe
> R    ReaR
> Q    siNG
> B    Boy
> D    Dog
> DJ  Jog
> F    Fog
> G    Go
> GJ  aGua, Urde baGH
> H    Hat
> J    (palatizer)
> K    Kid
> KJ  KHan
> P    Pig
> S    Some
> SJ  SHoe
> T    Toy
> TJ  CHew
> V    Victor
> X    (glottal stop)
> Z    Zoom
> ZJ  pleaSure, Jaques
> The gj, kj, and x are of course debatable.
 > Rex F. May (Baloo)