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Re: [txeqli] baseline

>>> Yes.  So I want to change that to 'kway'.
>> I actually much preferred "kwaj", so y can be used as the schwa.
> I'd actually forgotten that.  Let me think about it.

I like j as [dZ] or [Z] and y as [j] (I hope that's the correct ascii 
ipa), but a schwa would be preferable (I think?), so something has to 
be done.

...Last night I stumbed upon a page describing the scripts used by 
Azeri (i.e. the Turkish-like language of Azerbaijan). They now again 
use the latin alphabet (first it was arabic, then latin, then 
cyrillic, now back to latin), but to fit their sounds better, 
the upside-down--lower-case--e schwa character was added. It seems no 
other language uses it, so they're in trouble when it comes to 
finding typewriters, but there are some Azeri fonts and I personally 
think it looks rather nice, if strange (see the left side of this 
page <http://www.azeri.org/Azeri/az_latin/latin_choice.html>).

A bizarre solution, I admit, but hopefully it will at least make you 

Alexander Browne | alexbrowne@hidden.email
Saint Paul, Minn., U.S.