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Re: [txeqli] Any?

Where do we go to see the present version of Ceqli? 

    1. The Ceqli Language (so far)
    1. CEQLI (Cheng-lee) AN ARTIFICIAL LANGUAGE, last update 2-1-99 Click here to go directly to the Grammar Click here to go directly to the Alphabet & Phonology Click here to go directly to the Ceqli-English Glossary Click here to go directly to the

    1. The Ceqli Language
    1. The Logical Auxiliary Language Ceqli Mailing List (It's back to being Ceqli :P , and more changes are in the works. So an update will come, but not until things are more stable.) Fuller Projection Dymaxion Map ©1938, 1967, 1980, & 1992 Buckminster
  • ----- Original Message -----
    To: txeqli@yahoogroups.com
    Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2002 7:53 AM
    Subject: Re: [txeqli] Any?

      I think we've overLoglanized Ceqli.  What about everybody else?

            Perhaps.  Let's see who else replies.

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