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Re: [txeqli] Place structure, etc.

On Thu, May 30, 2002 at 01:05:59PM -0600, Rex May - Baloo wrote:
> Okay, we have three methods for dealing with place structure.
> 1.  Move the places around with be, ce, de.
> 2.  Designate a given place with fa, fe, fo, fi
> 3.  Use 'something' place fillers.
> Now, do we also want a set of case tags?

What are case tags? In Lojban jargon, this term is equivalent to
"modals", but I won't assume anything based on that. Modals are done by
borrowing a place of a different predicate, where many
arbitrarily-selected predicates have cmavo equivalents for modals.

And I think that system is ugly, which is why I suggested "ho" +
possible be/ce/de + predicate.
Rob Speer