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Re: [txeqli] Place structure.

on 5/23/02 1:37 PM, Rob Speer at rob@hidden.email wrote:

> On Thu, May 23, 2002 at 12:59:45PM +1000, Ray Bergmann wrote:
>> Ray:-> Is there still initial accent on words of more than one syllable or is
>> it monotone now?  In the word "besta" isn't there a problem with the accent
>> being on the "be-" rather than on the "-sta"?  Or should it be: "To dom ga be
>> sta go." or "todomgabestago" with equal accent on all syllables?
> The neat thing is, the accent doesn't matter. All words begin at a full
> consonant, so accent isn't necessary to separate words. Whatever happens
> with accent is just a convention to make things easier to hear.

Technically, that seems to be correct.  In practice, tho, I think we shd
avoid writing besta and write be sta again, because I'm going to have a
tendency to stress the first syllable of what is written as one word, and it
doesn't feel right to stress the 'be' here.
> Rex F. May (Baloo)
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