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Re: letter names

> 1.  Letter names in Cy

The main problem I see with this option is that, though
it is very easy to learn and remember, as in Esperanto
it makes letter names easily confusable.

> 2. Letter names in Cew or Cej or some other standard VV
> 3. Letter names in varied VV forms  Baw, Cej, Dwi, etc.

What about a pattern like this?:

<p> puj  <t> tiw  <k> kuj
<b> bow  <d> dej  <g> gow

<f> fiw  <s> siw  <c> cuj
<v> vej  <z> zej  <x> xow

<m> muj  <n> niw  <q> qaj

<r> row  <l> lej  <h> haw

<w> waw  <j> jaj

<i> iw   <e> ej
<a> aj   <y> yw
<u> uj   <o> ow

Just a suggestion.
