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Okay. To summarize the changes necessary to read Lojban's diagrammed summary, part 1 (http://www.lojban.org/files/brochures/lojex.txt) and apply it to Ceqli: Metalinguistic words: bridi (predicate) -> preja sumti (argument) -> gjume selbri (predicate relation) -> bepreja mi (I/me, we/us the speakers) -> go do (you (singular or plural)) -> zi [Why was "zi" chosen over other possible cognates for "you" (like 'tu' or 'du'?)] ti (this) -> ci ta (that) -> ca tu (that yonder) -> cu [Or have these turned into tci, tca, tcu? Is <affricate>V a pinvor form?] zo'e (something) -> zjo Names are expressed with "ti" and a word ending with a full consonant and a pause. "ti djans.", "ti .meris." cu -> ga vau (predicate terminator) -> vjaj vecnu (x1 sells x2 to x3 for price x4) -> ven (x1 sells x2 to x3) tavla (x1 talks to x2 about x3 in language x4) -> kal(?) (x1 talks to x2 about x3) melbi (x1 is beautiful to x2 by standard x3) -> bel (x1 is beautiful to x2) xu (yes/no) -> kwe(?) fa/fe/fi/fo/fu (place tags) -> fa/fe/fi They don't use the word "gismu" up to this point, but it's another common metalinguistic word ("root word"). Lojban's etymology file has "geniuan" as the phonetic spelling of the Chinese source word, and "korin" from Russian; the other languages don't really have anything useful. Should Ceqli use "geni"? -- ti .rab. spirc.