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Re: Lojban 'h'

> So pinvor would be:
> CV's 12 C's x 6 V's = 72
> CVhV's 12 C's x 7 V's x 7 V's 588
> 660 pinvor total.  More than enough.
> And for one-syllable grovor we have the VV's
> aj, ej, oj, aw,

And what about poor 'ew' and 'ow'??

> plus 6 jV's
> plus 6 wV's
> or 14 times 12 C's, or 168.  With care, enough for all the high-
> grovor we need.  (of course, we have many more one-syllable grovor 
> This is all just a tangent.  Anybody see any virtue in it?

If there's something I definitely dislike in Lojban
that's its continuous use of sound h. It seems as
though I had a cough when I pronounce Lojban.

I think it would be better if you allowed pinvor to
be not only CV and CVhV, but also CVV (i.e. CV?V)
and CVjV and CVwV at least. That would introduce
more phonic variety. Just a suggestion.
