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Re: [txeqli] semivowels, Lojbanizing, predicates

On Sat, Apr 20, 2002 at 09:13:47PM -0600, Rex May - Baloo wrote:
> I was thinking of using -r, as Loglan does.  Actually, they wd occasionally,
> I think be used as lone predicates.   Thus:  We come up with a pivor that
> acts as instrumental preposition, say 'pyu'
> Go ski pyu krayon.   I write with a pencil.
> We add -r, and 'pyur' means 'to use'.  I think a lot of things can be done
> back-asswards this way, making the case tag/prepsitions first, and deriving
> predicates from them.

Argh. So this comes out exactly like Lojban's modals, one thing I
seriously want to get rid of.

My idea would be to have "to use" be a single syllable, and add a
single-syllable pivor before it to make it a preposition.
Rob Speer