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I went out in the desert to meditate (okay, the high plains) today, and I'm tending more ond more towards the everything is a verb system of Loglan, with nouns made by t-words. Now, it isn't that simple. Can't be. First off, the possessives and demonstratives will have to follow the Loglan system, thus. To hon. The book Togo hon. My book Tozi hon, etc. Then, we'll have to pick words for here, there, and over there, (let's say ci, ca, cu, and the demostratives will be: Toci hon, this book, toca hon, etc. Or do we need sa's in all of those? Yes, I think we do. Make it To gosa hon, to cisa hon, etc. Loglan-familiar people, am I heading for a screwup here? -- >PLEASE NOTE MY NEW E-MAIL ADDRESS: rmay@hidden.email > Rex F. May (Baloo) > Daily cartoon at: http://www.cnsnews.com/cartoon/baloo.asp > Buy my book at: http://www.kiva.net/~jonabook/gdummy.htm > Language site at: http://www.geocities.com/ceqli/Uploadexp.htm >Discuss my auxiliary language at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/txeqli/