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Re: [txeqli] Correlatives

on 3/18/02 10:27 AM, John Schilke at doc@hidden.email wrote:

> After my spate of enthusiasm, let me explain.  I think it would be extremely
> useful to have a particle that means "what has just been said."  Glosa does
> do this, and the innovation works well.
> Note the following (a partial list), noting that "co" is pronounced "cho":
> po co            after that
> plus co          moreover
> para co         by the way
> homo co       similarly
> tem co          meanwhile
> anti co          however
> seqe co        consequently,
> suma co        summing up,
> and perhaps a dozen other expressions.
> Well worth a thought.
> John
I'm all for this.  Weirdly, when I had the here/there/over there paradigm of
ci, ca, and cu, with 'ce' already meaning 'six,' I considered the leftover
'co' to mean exactly what it means in glosa.  Now, we need a good word form
here, and it should be of the form CV, I believe, for shortness.  I'm
inclined toward 'de.'
Any other notions?

John, is Glosa co used alone?  I mean, in the sense of 'That's right.'

> Rex F. May (Baloo)
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