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Re: [txeqli] Nailed Down

Title: Re: [txeqli] Nailed Down

Ray:-> Hmm, it does seem to work OK with "zoy", doesn't it.  Maybe "zoy" works better than "sin"!  Would it still be necessary to have the word "kayn" if we can use "zoy" for the same purpose?

Rex:-> No.  Not at all.  If everybody's happy with zoype, etc,. I am.  Trouble is, now we really need to change koy to something.
Ray:-> In Uropi "koy" means "tail" (Spanish "cola", Italian "coda", Latin "cauda").  "koi" is the Japanese word for "carp" and also can mean "thick".  If you weren't satisfied with "kawe" for coffee, then you could consider "koy" instead.  "koy" could also be used for "purchasing" (Gernan "kaufen") or for "accounting" or just "counting" or "calculating".