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Rex:->> My only doubt is whether /e/ is right for the sound in
english bed, or if I
> need the little backward three that I can't figure out how to do in html. Mike:->> In ASCII IPA, it's /E/. Are you going to have [E] contrasting with [ej]? In that case, the phonemic notation doesn't have to be as precise as the phonetic notation, and you can probably write /e/ (spelled <e>) and /ej/ (spelled <ey>). Do you plan on specifying every allophone of every phoneme? Ray:->> Is the pronunciation of the vowel in the word "be" going
to be like the vowel in English "pear"(without the "-r") or like the vowel
in English "neigh", or will it be a longer verion of the [E]
in English "bed"(without the "-d"). The [E] in English "bed" /bEd/ is
halfway between the [e] in English "neigh" /ney/ and the [&] in English
"pear" /p&`/.