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Fw: [txeqli] Nailed Down

----- Original Message -----

Sent: Tuesday, March 05, 2002 7:00 PM
> So far, then, we've nailed down the following:
> 1. /tS/ is represented by c, never by tx.
> 2. Vowels never become semivowels.  Y and W are used instead.
> 3. Stress is always on the first syllable.
> 4. Compounds are always head-last.  Xipam, dadom, blufawl, etc.


> Now I want to go into grammar big time.
Good, Rex.

During the night I thought of the following suggestion, which is all it is.
Like the U... series in Lojban, and like the Classical Greek particles,
could there be a *small* set of short words to express the emotion of the
speaker (or writer), such as uncertainty, distaste, agreement, happiness,
etc., in connection with what is expressed?  Much like raised eyebrow,
shrugged shoulder, etc.
Just a thought.

> --
> >PLEASE NOTE MY NEW E-MAIL ADDRESS: rmay@hidden.email
> > Rex F. May (Baloo)
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