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>>> rmay@hidden.email 02/28/02 03:50pm >>> #on 2/28/02 8:17 AM, And Rosta at arosta@hidden.email wrote: #> #>>> rmay@hidden.email 02/28/02 02:48pm >>> #> #If I follow you, the 'topic' marker in Ceqli, as I see it, is word order. #> #Go xau to kan. I see the dog. #> #To kan go xau. It's the dog, I see. #> #Xau to kan go. I SEE the dog. #> #> I think these exemplify focus rather than topic, but be that as it may, #> how do we distinguish #> #> we KISSED #> #> from #> #> I KISSED you #> #Quite right. Emphasis and Topicality two different things. I was actually wondering how to tell the difference between "I thee" and "we", e.g. "I thee wed", versus "We wed". The thought of having to insert a compound blocker to prevent "I thee" parsing as "we" seems rather unattractive and unnatural. #The kissing thing... Esperanto would just say # #Ni kisis reciproke. and Mi kisis vin. # #How wd Loglan handle it? I'm inclined to follow english usage and have a #'reciproke' available if needed. Lojban uses a 'verb' meaning "reciprocally engage in", which is not too bad a solution. --And.