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Rex: >> Before everybody votes, here's what I see as the pros and
cons of the
diphthong systems: Ai system. Looks better and more natural. Gau looks nicer than gaw. And might as well use it because the ay system will really make it necessary to prohibit ai, as they'll sound a lot alike. Ay system. More consistent, as y makes the same sound in ya and ay. And don't have to learn another set of exceptions (that ai, etc, always make diphthongs. Ray: >> That's the problem - both systems have their pros and
cons! I for one just cannot decide which pro is the most important.
Certainly it looks better and more natual. Maybe "looking better" is the
more important pro..... In any case, if the dictionary is written with the
two vowel letters for diphthongs it is going to look better, and we would
undoubtedly get used to it; and there is then nothing to stop anyone from
replacing them with the semi-vowel system in their own work if they prefer