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Re: [Latejami] Re: Case tags and adverbs

The term used in the monograph is "link". 
In Designing Case Tags and Related Adverbs, it says, "Those [adverbs and case tags] whose verb forms do not take objects (i.e. intransitive verbs) will become adverbs, and those which do take objects (i.e. transitive verbs) will become case tags (i.e. English prepositions) adding a new oblique argument to the main verb. Thus, in effect, the case tag will link its argument to the verb."


On Wed, Jul 6, 2016 at 1:21 AM, MorphemeAddict <lytlesw@hidden.email> wrote:
"Bind" occurs in the monograph in only one Latejami word, not in any English at all. 


On Sun, Jul 3, 2016 at 2:02 PM, lytlesw@hidden.email [Latejami] <Latejami@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

I'm sorry that I can't answer any of those questions. I've never really understood the bindings of adverbs/case tags myself. I'll review the monograph again. 

Maybe Rick will see and respond. Does anyone else in the group have any insight into these issues? 

My own difficulty with adverbs and case tags is just determining when a given word is meant as an adverb and when as a case tag, since case tag seems to be just an odd name for 'open adverb', which is not used, and there are no case markings in the language. 
