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Two degrees of certainty in probability modal verbs

In the verbs derived from the probability classifier "tam-", there seems to be some confusion over what looks to me like two degrees of certainty or probability, namely the probability that the focus is true, but also the degree of certainty of the speaker. A person can range from total uncertainty about something to absolute certainty, and that something can also range from zero probability to 100% probability, including not knowing any probability at all (the undefined case). 

Here are the verbs I mean:

tama [AP/F-s] - accept as possible, admit the possibility of, give credit/credence to. 

bitama [AP/F-s] - believe, be convinced that/of, take as true (that). 

ketama [AP/F-s] - think, feel, reckon, be of the opinion, take as likely or highly probable. 

fotama [AP/F-s] - doubt, question, be doubtful about, have doubts about, be skeptical about, consider unlikely or improbable. 

jutama [AP/F-s] - disbelieve, reject, to feel that something is untrue or impossible. 

Keeping in mind the basic meaning associated with these verbs, namely, "patient feels/thinks that focus", here is how I paraphrase their meaning:

Patient feels/thinks with X degree of certainty that focus has Y probability of being true. 

Sometimes this confusion occurs in the definition of a single word, essentially equating the various glosses, where X is given at the beginning of the definition (believe/think/doubt/disbelieve), but Y is given in the literal paraphrase at the end (take as true/highly likely/unlikely/untrue that). 

I'm not sure which of X or Y is intended in the verb, but based on the meaning of the associated disjuncts I suspect that Y is intended. If so, then X can be expressed as one of the polar numeric previous word modifiers after the verb: 

bitomay [Zero-n] - utterly, so (much), maximally, ultra-, as much as possible, totally, absolutely, such, really, to the greatest degree possible, etc.

ketomay [Zero-n] - very (much), highly, extremely, a lot, much, really.

fotomay [Zero-n] - slightly, not too, a little, a bit, to a small or low degree.

zutomay [Zero-n] - barely, hardly, negligibly, minimally. 

Am I right, or am I missing something? 
