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"rexxia" <grecchia@hidden.email> wrote: > > Back in the day, I remember hearing mention of a Latejami-to-English > translation program, presumably being written by Rick Morneau. I > found this pretty impressive, given that Latejami certainly seems no > "closer" to English than any other natural language. Did anything > ever happen with this? Was such a program ever completed? > The software exists, written in Ada. One of the reasons why I stopped working on Latejami is that the basic design algorithms were becoming too complex because I didn't anticipate some of the problems I would eventually run into. A complete redesign is needed (which will also require some morphological changes to the langauge). You can judge the quality of the software yourselves - the English translations of all of the dictionary examples and all of the lesson examples and drills are the unedited output of the translation software. It's not fair to compare translation software for Latejami-to-English vs. natlang-to-English. Latejami syntax is simple, precise, and without exception, and Latejami morphology is totally regular. Because of this, software to parse and analyze Latejami is much, much simpler than for any natural language. For example, the Latejami parser is short, simple and 100% accurate. The equivalent software for a natural language would be incredibly complex and fraught with error. Regards, Rick Morneau http://www.eskimo.com/~ram