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resource update

  New - 21
  Changed - 6, 7, 8, (9), 11, (14), 16, (17), (18), 19.  (Parentheses around Lesson numbers mean there were only trivial changes.)

Reference document.  
  Still dated 20060905, but default argument structure for classifier "tov" was changed to P/F-s.

  One new word:
kolipa - commit suicide, kill oneself, take one's own life.

  Three changed words:
"Cenkemoni" is now "cenkemonaw":
cenkemonaw - superiority of, preeminence, excellence.
  Cikopamba fefawbegi tayvi cenkemonaw lifefawtimi dawkemo =
  The fireman reminded us about the superiority of the new

'Useless' is now "bujuvo":
bujuvo [P-s] - useless, good-for-nought, good-for-nothing,
unsuitable, unfit, unusable.
  [Etym: work/deed/project + opposite of other binary
  non-relational state]

'Unless' is now "jutesye":
jutesye [No/Structure-n] - unless, excepting.
  [Etym: zero/not/opposite/imaginary/magic + true conjunction]

  The default argument structure for all words with classifier "tov" was changed to P/F-s.

  Other changes (but not just adding examples) were made to these entries: bokagi, byetavi, canjopay, citesangye, culuzangaw, fagambava, fezekepo, jepi, kunzekepo, licunbegi, tofesyu, xakagi, xondoga, ziculunzangaw, zutamu.

  Examples were added to: bivi, busegangaw, cikopamba, cinjuvo, dezoge, dipe, donkemo, fyudagi, jecakopa, jodapyu, jozipi, kopa, tecesi, ticulo, tomeni, ziculo, ziculunza, zidapangaw, zipi, zitovi, zizipi, zubivi, zukumo.

  New - Lesson 7.
