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resource update
- From: MorphemeAddict@hidden.email
- Date: Mon, 4 Sep 2006 09:00:22 EDT
- Subject: resource update
- To: Latejami@yahoogroups.com
DICTIONARY: LE 20060901 4201. A net increase of 12 words.
cuzojagi [P-s] - infantry, foot soldiers.
[Etym: low/under/on/support/foot/heavy + ARMY]
fezekepo [P-s] - blond, fair-haired.
[Etym: hot/anger/fire/yellow/spicy + WITH/HAVING HAIR
fezumi [P-s] - match, lucifer.
[Etym: hot/anger/fire/yellow/spicy + other artificial item]
jodapanga - fill, occupy the entire volume of.
jufifusi [P-s] - eraser.
[Etym: zero/not/opposite/imaginary/magic + eight/writing +
kunzekepo [P-s] - brunette, dark-haired.
[Etym: dark/asleep/black/secret/unexpected + WITH/HAVING HAIR
ximaw [F/P-s] - what [headless relative conjunction].
Jutamu xadapa xevi ximaw xadapa bavi xihi = You weren't used
to what I was used to. Zizogimba fubegi ximaw kixuma xihi
kikigi jofeso tomo = The farmer entered what looked like an
empty museum. Jenkopa joybegi ximaw joykolapa xihi
binjoybegi = The doctor was confident about what made the
mechanic sick. Dasu kopa bavi ximaw bocala xevi zogumbe xihi
= I know what you swam to. Note in the last example that the
English translation could also have been "I know WHERE you
swam". However, use of "where" is ambiguous because it's
not clear whether the deleted preposition is "to" or
"at/in". Because of this potential for ambiguity, we will
always use "what" plus the correct preposition, even if the
result sounds awkward.
zekepo [P-s] - haired, with/having hair.
[Etym: long/road/walk/line/string/hair + living entity
zekolo [P-s] - bald, without hair.
[Etym: long/road/walk/line/string/hair + opposite of living
entity attribute]
zifopi [P-s] - pistol, handgun, revolver.
[Etym: contain/inside/meaning/hold/hand + GUN/FIREARM]
zitovi [P-s] - liter [unit of measurement].
[Etym: contain/inside/meaning/hold/hand + measure]
zozekepo [P-s] - red-haired.
[Etym: red/blood/combat/violence + WITH/HAVING HAIR
The entry for "jodapapa" has been replaced by its focused form "jodapamba".
jodapamba - fill with, cause to become full with/of.
The unfocused form "jodapapa" simply means 'to fill P'. The
P-d form "jodapupa" meaning 'to fill or become full' will
also be useful.
Two words have changed.
'Bathtub' changed from "bebozipi" to "cinzipi".
cinzipi [P-s] - bathtub.
[Etym: BATHE + container/conduit]
'Kindred' changed from "tanjuvo" to "tankavo".
tankavo [P-s] - kindred, akin, related, having something in
[Etym: kinship/family/trust + other binary non-relational
There are changes in the entries for:
binkizugi, bitisi, bucala, cabekolo, cacema, cawjuvo, cekagi, citesangye, citesye, cubotimi, dapumba, dabusa, ducala, dujepono, duzevoni, ficala, jaculunzangaw, kagi, kaybusa, kedugi, kekesa, ketama, kumeno, tamu, todapa, tomeno, zidapa, zofusi, zokopyu, zontizegi, zubivi.
New: Lesson 20.
Changed: Lessons 9, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 19.
Since I can't open the audio files, is anyone else willing to check these? Does anyone listen to them?