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MorphemeAddict@hidden.email wrote: > > When "zunxumoma" is used, does it normally have a tense with it ("dasu" I > assume), or is it complete alone? > > Zunxumoma - Similarly, ..., Likewise, ..., In like manner, .... > Note that "Zunxumoma" is a verb that takes a single core > argument, even though the English translation requires a > fronted adverb. > > Same question for the other verbal disjuncts: > ... Since they're verbs, they have tense, and the default tense for all verbs is past-perfective. However, the English adverbial translation does not provide tense. The tense is implied by what follows. This means that a tense/aspect disjunct will have to precede the verbal disjunct if its argument is not past tense. Regards, Rick Morneau http://www.eskimo.com/~ram