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update: LE 20060508 4160, LS 20060419

There are two new lessons, 12 and 13.
There is a new audio file, for lesson 5.

There are minor changes in lessons 2, 5, 7, 8, 9, and 10.  The changes in lessons 2 and 8 are style only; no textual changes.

LS has only a few minor changes.

LE has three new words (danfoma, dankema, fekoponi), and one word (zundapaw) was deleted.

danfoma [P-s] - shrink, emaciate, wither, wizen, wane,
shrivel, become smaller in size.
  Doycipu dankema dakigi dase doycipu danfoma dadoykigi fofago
  = The airport was growing while the nearby marketplace was
  shrinking. Keep in mind that the state adjective "danfomo"
  simply means 'shrinking/becoming smaller'. [Etym:
  positive/gain/extra polarity + antonym of other scalar
  non-relational state]

dankema [P-s] - grow, enlarge, expand, spread, wax, become
larger in size.
  Doycipu dankema dakigi dase doycipu danfoma dadoykigi fofago
  = The airport was growing while the nearby marketplace was
  shrinking. Keep in mind that the state adjective "dankemo"
  simply means 'growing/becoming larger'. [Etym:
  positive/gain/extra polarity + other scalar non-relational

fekoponi - anger, wrath, ire, choler.

LE also has many new example sentences (as many as 40, although I think some have been used before).  

There are also many minor changes to notes and definitions: bikumi, bitamu, bizulemo, bucala, dayjunbegi, dayjuncala, faculoni, fokumoge, jenkopyu, jutomo, kixuma, kunkepo, teginza, tomeve, tomo, xonkoybusa, xumyu, zoge, zogumbe, zundapa.
