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latest versions: dict: 20060310 4148, grammar: 20060222
- From: MorphemeAddict@hidden.email
- Date: Tue, 14 Mar 2006 13:08:36 EST
- Subject: latest versions: dict: 20060310 4148, grammar: 20060222
- To: Latejami@yahoogroups.com
The latest version of the dictionary is dated March 10, 2006, and has 4148 entries.
Among the changes in the dictionary, the big one is that "fim" has replaced "bog" as the classifier for social items:
fimi [P-s] - book, volume, tome.
[Etym: "-fim" is the classifier for 'social item']
Here is the relevant entry in Appendix D of the monograph:
fi eight/writing
(-fim = 'book' = other informative/artistic/entertaining/
social items)
This was probably to avoid conflict between "bo" as the modifier meaning 'fish/water/liquid/swim' and its meaning of BOOK and also to take advantage of the already existing modifier "fi".
2) In the monograph (with date February 22, 2006, unchanged) the classifier "-kiv" ('physical relations') was moved to 'other scalar states' from 'binary relational states'. This change had no apparent effect on the dictionary.