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Re: [Latejami] subject to change

Yes, the language is clear and concise in some respects. But from the point of view of human communication--rather than machine translation--there is a dilemma involved in relying too much on derivational morphology for your vocabulary. You end up with either (1) ten-foot-long words or (2) words that are ugly and hard to pronounce. I think that Latejami has faced both horns of this dilemma now, and has already reached about as good a compromise as it's going to get. I'm interested in Latejami because, if it fulfills its promise as a machine translation interlingua, then it will be as close we can get to (borrowing a term from IT) a Common Language Runtime for human languages. It will distill the collective expressive power of the majority of human languages. And if you think that language influences thought at all, then that can only be a good thing for creative and clear thinking as well as _expression_.

On 13/03/06, MorphemeAddict@hidden.email <MorphemeAddict@hidden.email > wrote:
In a message dated 3/12/2006 8:10:07 PM Central Standard Time, geoff.hacker@hidden.email writes:

I have a *very* casual interest in Latejami. I don't see the point in getting too involved, because you never know when the language is going to change versions next--but I appreciate how well thought-out the grammar is.

True, the fluid state of the language is an inconvenience, but the language is so clear and concise that I just can't get enough of it.


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