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On 12 Mar 2006 16:13:50 -0000, Latejami@yahoogroups.com
< Latejami@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
> There is 1 message in this issue.
> Topics in this digest:
> 1. curious
> From: MorphemeAddict@hidden.email
> ________________________________________________________________________
> ________________________________________________________________________
> Message: 1
> Date: Sun, 12 Mar 2006 01:05:16 EST
> From: MorphemeAddict@hidden.email
> Subject: curious
> I'm curious...
> How much time and effort, and what kind of effort, do members of this list
> spend on Latejami?
> I copy each new version of the dictionary into an excel spreadsheet, where I
> split the lines into fields, such as keyword, argument structure, definition,
> notes, examples, and etymology.
> I also divide each keyword into its parts: prefix, preclassifiers,
> classifier, suffixes, and part-of-speech ending.
> Then I resort the whole dictionary by the classifiers and preclassifiers.
> Does anyone else do anything like this?
> stevo
My Ilomi cronies and I do much the same sort of things with Ilomi. But
as for Latejami, I used to be (years ago) much more involved but I'm
just a lurker now.
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