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Hi Geoff,
It's an interesting issue. I don't know anything
about Basque and other "ergative languages". As far as I have read in the
english Wikipedia about "ergativity", an ergative transitive verb is to me quite
the same as a middlevoiced transitive verb. The ergative case is the deleted
actor in Ladekwa.
John[agent] broke the
The window[patient]
*John[ergative=deleted agent] the
window[absolutive=patient] broke[middle-voice=ergative verb].
The third construction is not possible in English
(and Ladekwa), but in ergative languages.
So, the ergative case is a restored agent
case. The absolutive case is the patient case, but the difference between
Ladekwa and an ergative language is that Ladekwa doesn't allow to restore an
agent case once deleted due to middle-voicing, whereas ergative languages do so
and call it "ergative case".