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Re: Unhappy with Ladekwa as is

--- In Ladekwa@yahoogroups.com, Rick Morneau <ram@e...> wrote:
> "stefichjo" <sts@s...> wrote:
> > 
> > Another problem for me is that I have become tired of learning entire 
> > morpheme systems. The grammar is what counts to me. I don't know how 
> > long it would take for me to learn a new system over.
> > 
> Why are you "learning" this system?  Are you planning to use it for
> machine translation?
> Since Ladekwa is my hobby, I'm not in a hurry.  I'm also not willing
> to compromise on quality unless I have no choice.  In this case, I
> definitely have a choice to do it right.

I'm trying to explore the possible space of expressions, that your
system offers. Therefore I must learn the classifiers, too. (Why do
you put "learning" in quotations marks? It does require learning.)

I would like to understand the requirements of machine translation,
and of cause I would like to use it.
