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abbreviations for BAS and POS
- From: MorphemeAddict@hidden.email
- Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 14:30:34 EDT
- Subject: abbreviations for BAS and POS
- To: Ladekwa@yahoogroups.com
Since the basic argument structures (BAS) and parts of speech (POS) are so important in Ladekwa, you could use their suffixes, as given in the Reference Manual, Appendix B, as abbreviations for the BAS and POS. E.g., "-te" words are A/P/F-d verbs, so their abbreviation could be "mbama" (or just "mba". Since the BAS suffixes are all verbs by default, the POS wouldn't have to be included for verbs.) Another example: all "-ka" words are P-s nouns by default, so their abbreviations could be "nsumi".
This way all the BAS/POS information is immediately available to the user, in a form that he has to know anyway in order to use the language, so there is less burden on the memory.
Basic argument structure suffixes (all are verbs by default):
A/P/F-s: -nza A/P/F-d: -mba
A/P-s: -nsa A/P-d: -mpa
AP/F-s: -nzi AP/F-d: -mbi
AP-s: -nsi AP-d: -mpi
P/F-s: -nzu P/F-d: -mbu
P-s: -nsu P-d: -mpu
Part-of-speech (POS) suffixes:
Verb: -ma
Noun: -mi open: -maw
Adjective: -mo open: -mu
Adverb/Case tag: -me
Previous-word modifier: -may open: -mwa
Vocative: -mwe
Imperative: -moy