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Hi Rick,
The new antonym links are good. (They are preceded by a full stop, whereas elsewhere there isn't a full stop.)
Another great thing might be to make a link from an "other" binary to a scalar state, and from a relational state to a non-relational one.
(other binary non-relational state) begoyfaw
[antonym -> (opposite of other binary non-relational) statebegoycu]
[relational -> (other binary relational state) begoycaw]
[scalar -> (other scalar relational state) begoytu]
((Example may not apply.))
The antonym-links of "batwa" and "batya" don't seem to work.
Additional links for suffixes would make examples like "byekya_nyu_" more surfable. (The concept of the suffixes is quite clear to me, but I haven't memorized them yet.)